In the changing and transforming business life, companies that produce digital, lead the agile thinking world, offer visionary solutions and transfer digital data to design provide superiority in competition.
Technology and globalization are progressing faster than ever, forcing businesses to struggle and think more. Stating that traditional methods are no longer able to protect businesses or ensure sufficient growth in the new world order, Globelink Ünimar Human Resources Director Levent Terzi says that it is necessary to create new codes for companies to gain competitive advantage and added, “Companies that offer visionary solutions and that can transfer digital data to design provide superiority in competition. As Globelink Ünimar, we are updating our own DNA with the dynamics of the transforming world, being aware of this irreversible change in business life.”
The technological changes brought by the 20th century have revealed the concept of adaptation for organizations to survive, but in recent years, the concept of leading change rather than adaptation has begun to be addressed more strongly.
Professor John Paul Kotter, who teaches leadership at Harvard Business School, explains that in his book “Our Iceberg is Melting”, that reveals the value and power of a person or business is the ability to manage and lead change rather than keeping up with change. Explaining leadership in various stages, Kotter explains that everything started with awareness and internal communication is needed to embody this awareness.
Stating that the first step of leading the change is communication, “As Globelink Ünimar, we are aware that increasing internal communication is equivalent to increasing employee and customer satisfaction, efficiency and quality work. With the Ünimar Academy operating within our company, we hope that employees and executives can Express themselves in the best way in line with their competencies and contribute to making this individual communication a part of the corporate culture” Levent Terzi said.
Noting that if the change management is modeled with dynamics that change within the continuity of life with efficient and sustainable innovations Levent Terzi states that the desire to meet the expectations of employees, partners, shareholders and customers at the highest level lies at the basis of the change. Terzi said that the companies are obliged to successfully realize the vision they adopt and put forward in their ecosystems and the next step is directing everyone to change.
“The main factor in leading the changing and transforming business life to become so important is the representation of time and dimensions in a rapidly developing world for a short time. In today’s world, trying to create a stable balance for long periods means problems for systems and companies” said Terzi, saying that in order to create tomorrow, one should have visionary and agile ideas,“ One of the things this pandemic showed to the business world is that it should be prepared for extraordinary situations. We have seen how important it is to initiate a change beyond adapting to rapidly changing conditions.
As a company that has built its philosophy on channeling tomorrow, we try to act with an understanding that produces solutions rather than waiting for solutions. Likewise, the fact that our employees being a part of this solution is very important for Globelink Ünimar, which considers human resources among its most important capitals. For this reason, it is valuable for us that our employees increase their competencies and have a structure that produces new ideas.
At this point, Ünimar Academy is our most important tool, as I said before. We present all the priorities of the changing and transforming business life to the knowledge and attention of our employees under this academy. We will also work to ensure that this academy, which currently operates only for our own employees, will have a structure that will be available to everyone in the future.”
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